Posted by Varjak on November 10, 1997 at 22:24:06:
In Reply to: Oh yeah?! posted by Nightwing on November 10, 1997 at 16:48:49:
Nightwing, I have attempted a serious discussion here
with you, but your continued belligerence and childishness
is too much to bear, and I will have no more of it!
You believe you are a gifted individual, but you are no
more than a warped defect.You attack my position solely
because it is not yours, well, we'll see who has the last
laugh in the end.I am like Batman in Year One, I have a vision
and a quest, but none can see it or help me, but in the end I will
persevere.You use language innappropriate for this forum, there are
children here, do you ever think of them? They should not have to endure
your petty insults and selfrighteousness.I bear no ill will to you, but
Nightwing, it is time you started acting like a man.Losing an argument
does not mean you should become belligerent! You are a child, and I will
have no more of you.You call me hateful, perhaps you should go look in the
mirror, maybe you will see yourself for what you really are, but probably
not.I bear no ill will toward you, Nightwing, but you do this for attention
and I will no longer give it to you.I have decided to leave and not come
back, I will miss my friends here, but a lot of you have a lot of growing
up to do, I am tired of the few children, and yes they are children, who
act with impunity around here. Perhaps when these people grow up, I will be
back.Peace be unto you.
Satan-worshiper extrordinaire